Computing Machinery and Intelligence: Alan Turing
Imitation Game

Can machines think? This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms machine and think”...

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Universal Intelligence
A Definition of Machine Intelligence

“Innumerable tests are available for measuring intelligence, yet no one is quite certain...

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Winograd Challenge
Beyond the Turing Test

The Winograd Schema Challenge is a test of commonsense and reasoning...

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Virtual rodent
Deep neuroethology of a virtual rodent

This paper incorporates the algorithms of deep reinforcement learning and computational neuroscience to design a virtual rodent...

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Grounded Language Learning in a Simulated 3D World

The idea of programming computers to relate language to a simulated physical environment is pioneered...

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How to Grow a Robot?
Developing Human-Friendly, Social AI

This book addresses all the popular beliefs and ideas concerning the creation and development of a social robot...

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SEDRO - A Simulated Environment for Developmental Robotics

SEDRo provides diverse human experiences ranging from those of a fetus to a 12th month old....

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The Society of Mind

The mind is a "society" of small agents that are themselves mindless....

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On intelligence

How a new understanding of the brain will lead to creation of truely intelligent machines....

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Intrinsic Motivation Systems for Autonomous Mental Development

Can a machine be endowed with a human like intrinsic motivation system....

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World Models
Can agent learns inside their dream?

We train our agent’s controller only inside the environment generated by its own internal world model...

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Attention is all you need

Attention mechanisms have become an integral part of compelling sequence modeling...

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